My 3 year old son has this ratty old bunny he carries around and sleeps with every day named Biggie. I don't really remember how the name came about, but Niko was adamant that Biggie would be his bunny's name. I'm also not quite sure why he chose that specific stuffed bunny to be his soul mate. My Mother-in-law had given it to me for Easter when I was pregnant with him after seeing it at the local grocery store. It is what it is I guess.
Anyways, Niko has been asking for me to make his baby sister a "mini biggie" so that she can feel safe at night too. After some online searching I chose this pattern by Drops Design for the task. The pattern was really easy to understand and this little lady was stitched up pretty fast. I've been working away at trying to use up my stash of yarns on hand and had similar colors to those shown in the pattern so I went with it. Pretty cute, no? It'll be a while before she's lugging this around like her brother does his though...
This was taken after his first day at preschool camp. I guess big boys don't need to walk next to their Moms anymore, but they still need their biggies.
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